Welcome to North Hastings Family Pharmacy.

We Are Here To Serve You.

At North Hastings Family Pharmacy it is our vision to help our clients and patients live longer, healthier lives by managing their prescription and non-prescription medications. Your family heath matters to us. Our mission is to provide caring, complete, patient-centered pharmaceutical care and education for our customers. Feel free to drop in or call for free one on one friendly advice from one of our qualified Pharmacists. Our staff will assist you in choosing the right products to suit your needs.

We offer individualized patient care with an emphasis on making sure you get the best results from your prescription medications.

We offer one on one medication reviews through Ontario’s Medscheck Program. These reviews can be conducted in the store or in the patient’s home.

Our Valuable Team Members

Nancy Wiechenthal, BScPhm, June 1983
Nancy Wiechenthal, BScPhm, June 1983Pharmacist
A Pharmacist for 32 years, Nancy dedicates time to bringing new programs and services to the community, including the Travel Medicine Clinic and compression therapy for Lymphedema 7 Venous Disease. Mother of 4, she enjoys golf, scrapbooking and baking.
Kathy Armstrong, BScPhm, 1981
Kathy Armstrong, BScPhm, 1981Pharmacist
A Pharmacist for over 3 decades, Kathy divides her time between NHFP and the Apsley Pharmacy. With 2 daughters out of the nest she spends time chasing unique antique and auction bargains – many are found on display at the pharmacy.
Ryan Pharmacist
BarbImmunization Bookings
Joan Naulis
Joan NaulisHome Health Specialist
Lee Bay
Lee BayBusiness Manager
CarissaCompliance Packaging
AshleyFrontshop Coordinator
SuePharmacy Assistant
Lee-anneHome Health Specialist
MariePharmacy Assistant
JessicaPharmacy Assistant